How to store shrooms

How To Store Shrooms

Knowing how to store shrooms is important as the longer you keep them, the more the psilocybin becomes oxidized, leading to a loss of potency.

Why Do You Need To Dry Magic Mushrooms

Drying magic mushrooms makes them last much longer. Unfortunately, while they stay fresh and edible longer, they also lose potency over time. Of course, the antidote to this problem is to up the dosage!

Step 1. Fan Drying Shrooms

Step one in knowing how to store shrooms is to air dry them with a fan until they shrivel due to water loss – you should be able to see this shrinkage with the naked eye.  They should feel dry when touched, and now have a shelf-life of perhaps 2 weeks before they start to rot.

They may look comparatively dry, but at this stage they still have quite a bit of water content and will eventually rot. So you’re not done yet!

Step 2. Dehydrating Shrooms

You have 3 options to handle the dehydration stage of storing your magic mushrooms, which will extend their storage time up to a year:

Use a food dehydrator: If you happen to own a food dehydrator, it’s the best method of removing water content. With 2 days in the dehydrator you will have gotten water levels effectively to zero.

Use an oven: A good method for the rest of us without dehydrators, as the heat acts as a powerful drying agent (think of what happens when you leave a hunk of meat in the oven too long. Remember not to use a heat above 300 degrees or you may cause a breakdown in the active chemical ingredients. 

Use a desiccant: This will be lengthy, messy and slow – so we don’t recommend it.

Step 3. Proper Storage Containers

Even when dehydrated, it’s possible to re-moisturize your shrooms if they aren’t properly stored – a great waste of product!  At this stage, you need two items:

Masonry jars:  These must be entirely airtight – you can test by filling them with water, sealing the lid and turning them over to see if there are any leaks (and then, dry them out carefully, of course).

Silica gel pouches:  Those little bags that come in the pockets of your clothes? They absorb moisture. Opening your masonry jars let’s a small amount of moisture in, slowly degrading your shrooms. A little silica gel pouch will take care of this, absorbing the moisture after the lid has been replaced.

Follow these steps if you want to know how to store your shrooms properly.

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About the Author

Josh has diverse background with a combination of formal training in both healthcare and business administration. Currently the CTO of Frshminds, he has a life long interest in alternative approaches to healthcare as well as technology development. Prior to working on Frshminds, he was the CTO of Lift & Co, a cannabis information site and ran Extreme Innovations, the in house software development services company of Extreme Venture Partners, one of the most successful early stage venture investors in Canada. Since becoming interested in psychedelics, Josh has explored microdosing, mushroom cultivation and was responsible for building out Frshminds' mushroom species guide.

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